Notes from the New York Pause #4:

Pauline Oliveros was one of America’s most visionary composers. Her most important practice, Deep Listening, became a lifelong exploration for her. Part musical guide, part spiritual practice, I have found her works especially inspiring during our time of quarantine and pandemic. One piece I have been particularly drawn to is Open Field (1980).

Open Field (1980)
When a sight, sound, movement, or place attracts your attention during your daily life, consider that moment an “art experience”. Find a way to record an impression of this momentary “art experience” using any appropriate means or media. Share these experiences with each other and make them available to others.

–Pauline Oliveros

During this time of isolation and distance, finding new rituals that have the possibility to develop connection between people has been important. “Open Field” has been generative. By reminding us to focus on the beauty all around us, it serves as an entry point into noticing where we are at this moment. My hope is to document some of these “art experiences” here in the coming days.

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